Don’t Skip Your Six-Month Dental Cleaning and Check-Up

A woman wearing a straw hat smiles warmly at the camera, exuding joy and confidence in her expression.

At The Plano Dentist, we believe that routine dental care is essential to a healthy smile—and skipping your six-month check-ups can have serious consequences for both your oral and overall health. While it may seem harmless to put off a cleaning or two, missing these appointments can lead to more than just plaque buildup. Here’s…

How Do You Measure Dental Success?

Plano affordable family dentist

How do you measure “dental success?” A check-up with no cavities? A perfect smile? A crown that looks as natural as the surrounding teeth? It could mean all those things and many more. For a child, dental success could be defined as a childhood free of cavities, learning daily dental hygiene practices, and gaining an…

The 4 Stages of Gum Disease

four stages of gum disease Dallas

You may be wondering why every so often your gums are red and swollen, or your breath is bad. Maybe you’re just interested in improving your dental health and want to be more aware for your next appointment. Learn about the four stages of gum disease you may be overlooking when thinking of your comprehensive…

Are You Watching For Cavities?

prevent cavities Plano

Did you know a cavity may be reversed? These tiny holes in our teeth caused by acidic tooth erosion can actually be prevented from getting worse and require filling. Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, by taking a few needed precautions, we can stave off tooth decay…

Treat Your Smile To A Healthy Diet

experienced family dentist Plano

Proper nutrition can benefit you in a number of ways; increased energy, improved immunity, glowing skin, mental clarity, and a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. How often, however, do you think about how your diet influences your oral health? Your diet can influence your risk of cavities, enamel health, and gum condition. Healthy…